Dental implants – contaminated or brilliant quality? Find your highly skilled CLEANIMPLANT CERTIFIED DENTIST !

The CleanImplant Foundation offers dental practitioners its vast database of dental implant analyses on a professional platform to help them choose clean dental implants for their daily work.
Dental Implants with Impurities
It should certainly be a matter of course that all sterile packaged dental implants are clean and free of contaminants. Sadly, this is not always the case.
Unfortunately, the cleanliness of an implant is not guaranteed either by the advertising of individual manufacturers or by information on the packaging, such as the CE mark or an FDA clearance. We have found avoidable, production-related residues on many implant surfaces such as plastic particles, silicones, surface-active cleaning agents and also remnants of tungsten, tin-bronze
These contaminants and unintended micrometer-scale particles are suspected of triggering uncontrolled foreign body reactions and can thus be partly responsible for complications during the osseointegration process or for inflammation around the implant (peri-implantitis).
‘Clean’ Dental Implants
However, as unpleasant as the consequences of bad implants can be, there are a lot of excellent products on the market that deserve the trust of dentists and patients. In your interest, your dentist should always choose a ‘clean’ implant, i.e. one that is v
CleanImplant Certified Dentists rely on the independent quality checks and thorough analyses of the CleanImplant Foundation. You can be sure that a CleanImplant Certified Dentist will make the best possible choice of dental implant for a successful, long-term treatment result.
For the new smile that you deserve.
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